Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tertia Coetsee publishes an article in Ariadne

Congratulations to Tertia Coetsee with the publication of a research article in the latest issue of Ariadne.

Tertia graduated with a distinction from the 5th Carnegie Library Leadership Academy, hosted in November 2011. Her research report 'Enhancing Collaboration and Interaction in a Post-graduate Research Programme' which she completed in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Academy has been accepted for publication in Ariadne.

Tertia describes a community of practice for post-graduate students where RefShare is deployed for digital storage and retrieval, alongside Blackboard for the purposes of communication. She also describes the role of the information specialist in the programme.

The article is cited as follows:

Tertia Coetsee. "Enhancing Collaboration and Interaction in a Post-graduate Research Programme". July 2012, Ariadne Issue 69

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Draft Veterinary and Para-Veterinary amendment bill

Information about the Parliamentary Committee Meeting held  31 July 2012 on the draft Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Amendment Bill hosted on the Parliamentary Monitoring Group Website may be of interest to our clients.