Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Digitisation of Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research

The digitisation of the Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research is beginning to show results. If you visit the website:

you will find that the Index 1903-1932 has been uploaded in UPSpace as well as some of the early issues (1908 - 1910). All items in blue will link you to the digitised document.

It has been placed in the university's research repository, as part of the SA National Veterinary Repository. We would like to thank the UPSpace manager, Ina Smith for so patiently dealing with all our requests and queries, helping us to create this online research resource for current and future researchers worldwide.

So we are getting there, slowly but surely.

With thanks to the scanner, Elliot Matukane, using the special Digibook scanning equipment at the Merensky Library, Ria Groenewald of the Merensky Library who oversees the digitisation process, ensuring a very good end product, the 2 veterinary students who prepare the scanned image for web publication (Aileen Pypers and Kate Moseley), Antoinette Lourens who uploads each article with keywords in UPSpace and Marguerite Nel who does the final metadata editing.

A special word of thanks to Prof Guthrie of the Equine Research Unit for supporting this project financially by funding the work of the students.

Erica van der Westhuizen


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